Illuminating Coral

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Illuminating Coral 2 hours Beginner


The world of corals is anything but dull. These tiny creatures duplicate themselves into massive colonies, some of which can be seen from space. In doing so, they create elaborate ecosystems called coral reefs that sustain 25% of marine life. Join us as we shine a light on these magnificent, important animals to understand how they live, eat, reproduce, and even glow!


Despite their 500 million-year evolutionary history, coral reefs today are in peril. Climate change, overfishing, and pollution threaten their very survival. But, hope is not lost. If we change how we interact with the natural world, we can help turn things around before it’s too late. We’ll get a glimpse at a world few ever get to see ‒ that of corals! We’ll even get a first-hand look at coral restoration, one of the ways that people who care are helping coral reefs. Jump in to learn about this and more actions we can take to save our coral reefs.

What is a coral?

Some people mistake corals for rocks or plants, but they are actually animals. Learn more about this cool creature.
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Where are corals found?

Take a look at what matters when coral larvae choose a future reef to cement themselves to.
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How do corals reproduce?

Coral babies are created during a perfectly-timed ocean phenomenon called coral spawning. But, climate change is throwing things off. Learn more.
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How long have corals been on Earth?

Scientists worry corals might be headed for extinction. Find out why and what we can do to prevent it.
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Why do corals fluoresce?

Get a front-row seat to coral fluorescence and learn why this happens.
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What is coral bleaching?

Coral bleaching is a serious threat to corals. Learn why and how we can work together to fight it.
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What can we do to help corals?

The future of coral reefs is in serious jeopardy, but there are things that we can do to help.
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What can we learn from corals?

Corals live in harmony with the rest of the reef. This adaptation allows for many different species to thrive. Humans can and should learn from this way of life.
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Watch, Listen, Get Inspired & Take Action

There’s so much to explore and learn about coral reefs. Take your curiosity further and taking action for coral reefs.
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